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I can proudly announce that PENTA Sports added the former elite Team to their Racing-Section including the following players:
Renew (Teamleader)
Actually PENTA Sports is a well known organisation with his own history in Trackmania. More about it in the following:
PENTA (Latin: five) Sports is formed out of five former big organisation:
- Concordia Gaming (2012)
- KomaCrew e.V. (1998)
- KD-Gaming e.V. (2009)
- diamondZ e.V. (2007)
- logiX e.V. (2000)
These five organisation added together and created PENTA Sports!
“We would like to welcome Stefan "Flow" Kassing to return back to the eSport with PENTA Sports to rock in Trackmania. Our decision was simple due to the fact that the former organizations KomaCrew, KD-Gaming, diamomdZ and LogiX had a Team for Trackmania or other racing-games. Right from the very beginning we were able to cooperate with a team around Stefan "Flow" Kassing to make our first little step into the international Content. Furthermore, we will give our best to support teamcaptain Manuel "Renew" Distler and his crew as good as we can. In the future we will offer streams.”
Jan-Oliver "Snappack360" Gebauer Teammanager PENTA Sports

“I’m very happy to be apart of PENTA Sports. It's a honor to join and play for this organisation. It’s a huge step for me and my team. With PENTA Sports we want to be on the highest level in Trackmania. In my opinion its really important to have an organisation with a big reputation and a nice support to develop as a team and to improve as a single driver. We surely use that chance and we’ll try to show PENTA Sports that they took a great team with nice skills.”
Manuel “renew” Distler Teamleader PENTA Sports.TM2s

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#1 by
Xenosis on 2014-02-03 at 14:16

Good news, go go guys!

#2 by
frostBeule on 2014-02-03 at 14:20

Cool to see a new team! GL.

#3 by
znik on 2014-02-03 at 16:09

Good luck guys, your lineup has a lot of potential :)

#4 by
tOub on 2014-02-03 at 16:49

+1 gl guys.

#5 by
Deejay on 2014-02-03 at 17:29

GL ! :)

#6 by
pentaFlow on 2014-02-03 at 17:29

thank you guys! hope its a sign for other several organisation out there to entry in trackmania!! :)

#7 by
Razor on 2014-02-03 at 18:06

Sounds promising :) gl guys!

#8 by
Bergie on 2014-02-03 at 18:22

I hope this is both a team and an org that are here to stay in Trackmania. GL to a great group of players :)

#9 by
Wotre on 2014-02-03 at 19:22

Hopefully this is an orga to stay indeed. Just keep up the good work with this team like the past year :)

#10 by
Swift on 2014-02-04 at 15:45

I agree on Bergie. Good to see this :) Keep it up boyzz! seeya on track :)

#11 by
oscarian on 2014-02-19 at 04:49

Looking forward to playing you guys in the TMM team cup, should be good fun!
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