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Hi all,
The VRG have the honor to present their Nascar Endurance Cup on TrackMania 2 Stadium!
First Event : October 4, 2013
Every Friday night at 9.30 pm there will be an endurance race of approximately 30 min
Server: VRG /// Event
- Favorites : maniaplanet://#addfavourite=vrg_event@TMStadium
- Join : maniaplanet://#join=vrg_event@TMStadium
The podium earn Planets at each race :
- 300 Planets
- 200 Planets
- 100 Planets
A Gift will be attribuate by lottery each month * (You can see the Gifts of october and november --> HERE )
To participate, create an account on "tournament_manager", (if you haven't any), (REGISTER)
Then go to " Registers > Ask a register > Cup ",
Select "VRG Cup 2013-2014"
and confirm.
A gift will be offered every month by lottery !
Every Friday between 7.00 and 8.00 pm, you will receive an email with the password for the Cup. The server is locked at warm-up. Several passages in the pits are required.
The respawn is active, but at each respawn you must go to the pits.
(*) éligibilitity conditions for lottery :
- Participate at least 50% of month races
- Be adherent (Freind ou member of VirtReal association) (REGISTER)
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Pour y participer, créez un compte sur "tournament_manager" (si ce n'est pas déjà fait) --> S'INSCRIRE