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Hello guys!
Well, I would like to share with you a new idea around videomaking and creation in general, especially for the ManiaPlanet players: a ManiaPlanet videomaker's guide !
Who is this project intended for ?
It's quite simple: these lessons are intended for almost anyone! Newbies, curious people, "amateur" ManiaPlanet videomakers, videomakers from other horizons...and plenty other audiences!
What is this project? Why?
I noticed that there's no real guide for the ones who would like to start making videos on ManiaPlanet (which means on TrackMania and on ShootMania). Indeed, we can only find specific tutorials or some overviews of the MediaTracker (or a particular tool) for example, but nothing on leading a video project from scratch.
After almost 3 years of videomaking, I think that I've gathered enough knowledge and experience to be able to build a solid series of lessons. Moreover, I'm shifting progressively to the back-stage (as I will retire soon from making TM videomaking I guess) and I wanted to start something fresh and different
What are we going to learn?
To me, leading your own video project means:
- To use and master the most adapted tools (not necessarily the most powerful!)
- Organizing stuff related to your project
- Picking up the best materials
- Editing in a smart and flexible way (in order to correct or update things more easily)
- Choose the most adapted render settings, especially for YouTube
- Etc.
So I wanted to suggest a new series of "tutorials" (grr..don't like this word ), where each lesson deals with a specific topic. Of course this series will roll out in a logical and progressive way. For example, the content of this first lesson will help you get started properly and nicely. It includes 3 main topics:
- Introduction : demonstration, what are we going to do, etc.
- Softwares : versions that we'll be using, advantages and drawbacks, comparison...
- Workspace: advices to increase productivity
Different you said?
Absolutely! The series is quite straightforward but differs from other "standard" tutorials:
- In every lesson, I will invite a creator (videomakers, photoshopers, mappers) who will intervene and explain with me a particular aspect : texts, skins, custom parameters, etc.
- In the beginning of each lesson, I will shortly answer the questions asked about the previous lesson.
- I will probably supply some edited replays, .aep or .psd files, soundbanks...to help you
...there will be a lot of humor and unexpected rages!
Videomaker's Guide #1 : Introduction, Softwares and Workspace
Less talk, more videos. Here is the first video of the series. It's in () French but subtitled in (
) English for the most important parts! Perhaps the series will be fully in English in a near future, but it will depend mostly on the success of the Guide.
I'm waiting for your feedback!
You can of course visit my Facebook page as well.
See ya!
>> News Tools
My feedback of this first video later ;)
Gogo Snak :) great idea!
Idd dreammyw0w, but I'm adding the youtube captions (=subs) for the english speaking guys atm. I hope to finish the process tomorrow! I'll edit my comment once it's done
Good job, and good luck for the future ;)
Perhaps the next videos will be fully in english, I'll see.
( Bien jouer Man , j'attend la suite :p )