16 |

The second half and the missing four environments bay, rally, stadium and desert were driven 15.12. From the last weeks three environments, team Dunno was leading with 128 points, while MLOL had 122 points and Ghost was third with 111 points. Team tarD-re was already a lot more behind with 83 points. One of the best teams, URMOM, was only 10th as they hadn't Zooz in their lineup and also Tunga wasn't trained. However, the gaps between top 3 teams weren't that big, and the match was going to be exciting.
URMOM didn't have a good start though. Tunga was late due to reasons that he was not able to influence on, and missed both Bay and Rally that he caused Darkhawk to drive those maps instead of him.
What comes to little final (a final between teams who didn't make it into top 12) it was Mec leading after first week, and dac-SP as second.
Grand Final
The overall fourth map of the final was Matth's bay, that looks easy, but is actually quite difficult to make regu. After driving a dominant WR, everybody excepted team UH's Sandder to win this map - and so he did in 20:07.27. Even though Sand had one respawn, the next finisher who was Dengel from MLOL was over 7 seconds behind. Dunno's Tona drove too crashy to fight and finished third over 15 seconds behind Dengel, and his teammate Marius 89 finished two seconds after Tona. The fifth place went to MCM's The Bride, or JumperJack as he is better known, who beated team tarD-re's Passi with less than one second with his time 20:38.16. Also Ghost's Zepset finished close as he lost only one second to Passi, gaining the 7th place. Tight fights were seen as MLOL's spedzo won a lot faster but more crashy Elco from Rev with about 1 second, and BBoD's JaketheCake beat another Rev guy, zozor, with 1 second aswell. Without Tunga, URMOM's Zooz was 11th and Darkhawk 17th, so their comeback didn't start that well. The best lap was driven by Sandder, as he did the lap in 49.29.
What comes to teams, Dunno with Tona and Marius extended their lead scoring 43 points, and now had 171 points. MLOL with Dengel and spedzo stayed as second when they took 38 points, and now their total score was 160 points. Zepset and Axatar drove 34 points to Ghost, who had now 145 points. Even though tarD-re with Passi and GirL alias Minato won Ghost on bay with their 36 points on it, their total score 119 made the top 3 of this FET pretty clear already. MCM with JumperJack and radpl took 30 points, and also UH with Sandder and Forgot10 scored the same amount of points here.
The rally map made by Phoenix was called boring as a track, but if presented some really intense fights. After not-so-good bay result, Ghost came back when Yannovsky won the map with 21:50.50. After long fights with MLOL members, Tona finished second 10 seconds behind Yannovsky after his good comeback from places 5-8 he drove during the first half of the map, MLOL guys Arkone and Phoenix, the mapper itself, did a good result to their team with places 3 and 4. Arkone finished only 2 seconds after Tona and Phoenix only 2 seconds after Arkone. Red Shreder finished fifth, losing only marginal 0.3 secons to Phoenix. Another Dunno, Marius, finished 6th and Zooz from URMOM 7th a bit under 1,5 seconds behind Marius. LAW's Garfield did a nice score for his team LAW with his 8th place. A great fight was between slots 12-15. Elco was in the fight for most of race too, but his nice laps driven during the second half of the map made him gaining the place 11 quite easily. After him, SmartDriver from pls finished with time 22:45.53. His teammate Lolita was +1,2 seconds to Smart, team Zero's L94 +1 second to Lolita and tarD-re's Minato +0.6 seconds to L94. Closer the top, Arkone showed his speed with the fastest lap of 53.63. Overall the scored board lived all the time and we saw numerous overtakes.
Ghost with Yannovsky and Red Shreder took 45 points and now had 190, but they still stayed behind MLOL and Dunno in overall rankings as MLOL represented by Arkone and Phoenix improved their score with 43 points having now 203 and also Dunno with Tona and Marius again got 42 points making their total score to be 213. LAW took their best score so far with 20 points thanks to Garfield and Duck, having now 68 points - this meant they overtook BBoD in total rankings.Also team pls overtook Zero in total points by scoring 12 points more than Zero, while the difference before was 8 points good to Zero.
End of the league was getting close as only two maps to go, and a classic RKO-stadium was the arena for next fights. URMOM finally had their best lineup driving, even though Bergie was about to forgot the FET match due to dignitas's ESL match against elite. I personally went to ask him to come on dignitas/spam's stream and he came just in time to drive. And he truly drove; best lap of the match was 49.26 by him and Bergie also took the first place with time 19:58.94. Between the places from 2 to 6 was really intense, and all players overtook eachother and two fastest drivers of those 5, Sandder and Tunga, had both a couple of crashes. After all laps driven, URMOM's Tunga finished second 12 seconds behind Bergie beating third finisher Sepe27 from pls with only 0.4 seconds. Sepe was slower than Tunga, but he didn't make any mistakes and took his team their best point catch in FET. Marius from Dunno also had a great regu, and he got 4th about 9 seconds after Sepe. Sandder from UH took 5th, but he could have been even second without his crashes. SmartDriver from pls finished behind Sand takingthe 6th slot. After top 6, about 10 seconds behind, team Ghost finished on places 7 and 8, while Zepset beated Red Shreder with 0.02 seconds only. Tibo as 10th secured ok points to Dunno, but MLOL was a clear loser here as Dengel got 10th and spedzo was 13th. Passi from tarD-re was in top 7 for long, but he got interrupted during the race and had to rejoin server, which caused him lose many places and finish just as 19th, which was a real disappointment to his team.
URMOM was a clear number one on this map, as they took maximum 48 points with their double win by Bergie and Tunga. The second best team of the map was pls with Sepe and SmartDriver, as they took 41 points and left Zero far behind almost overtooking Rev aswell. Nevertheless, Dunno with Marius and tibo05 kept their lead easily and now had 250 points after getting 37 more. Ghost took 35 points and got a lot more closer MLOL in points: Now Ghost had 225 points and MLOL 230 after getting 27 more on stadium. URMOM cathed MCM, UH and tarD-re a lot, and was now in the fight for 4th place of this tournament.
The last map of the tournament was speedy desert map by zort.x. The battle was tight all around the scoreboard, but after 24 laps Tona took the first place with time 19:52.16, and pretty much secured Dunno's win. Tona also drove the fastest lap of 48.29. However, he had to push hard till the finish, as Zepset from Ghost was behind him all the time and finished only 1.2 later. Zepset's teammate Red Shreder took the third place losing only 3 seconds to him, so the map was clearly one of the tightest in this FET. URMOM's Zooz was taking the 4th place, but he failed the very last corner of the map and Dunno's pranksta took the 4th place beating Zooz with 0.08 seconds only. Arkone and Phoenix from MLOL took places 6 and 7, and JumperJack from MCM took the 8th place. Team pls's wormi fixed his bad driving on bay taking the 11th place after his best TMUF performance ever. Garfield catched wormi with a lot faster driving multiple times, but always crashed heavily after seeing wormi's back bumber. Lolita from pls took 14th place, but he had long fights with team Zero's maV who got 15th and MCM's radpl who was 16th, and also BBoD's Osna was close to them being 17th. Team Rev, however, were quite childish on the map, and after driving 12 laps (some of them to wrong direction) they began being on the track and blocking view with their cars, which may cause actions towards them what comes to future leagues.
The best team of desert was Dunno with pranksta and Tona with 46 points. Ghost with Zepset and Red Shreder got only 1 point less, and secured their second place in league behind winner Dunno. MLOL with Arkone and Phoenix got nice 37 points more, but it was enough to get overtaken by Ghost in overall standings by 3 points. URMOM took home 35 points took the 4th place in the league, as tarD-re got only 16 points, UH just 9 and MCM who was just 1 points in front of URMOM before desert took now 26 points. Rev didn't get a single point as they didn't drive far enough, and pls overtook them gaining 25 points and being 8th overall.
Final Standings
The final standings of Grand Final are (shows points/environment and total score):
Dunno |
Ghost| |
tarD-re |
UH |
pls |
zero| |
яеѵ |
BBoD |
Maps 4-7 hosted by Kurppa with wormi and Sepe.
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Passi left and I had to drive on my very own... "a bit" unfortunate :P
But anyway, thx wormi for your weekly report - very well done. :)
Would be just too nice if you could keep this in TFET3. :)