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First half, or actually first 42.9%, of Formula ET's 8th season were driven 8.12, starting at 20.15 as usualy. During the groupstage teams had gathered points, and top 12 of the list gained their slot in Grand Finlal, while other teams had their own race for places 13-> in little final played on the other server.
During the last 24 hours before the race, some big changes happened what comes to teams driving in the Grand Final: at first, Dunno2 was kicked due to Antanas getting caught cheating: he had used speedhack while playing maps in time attack, which was easy to see from a replay that others had saved. There was no evidence of him cheating during races itself, but using hacks to get times was enough for banning Antanas from ET leagues. Another team, 37, had to stop their league also, even though they would have had a change to be in top 3. Cibermix was able to drive, but as Lolomax hadn't been able to train and come match due to private issues, he didn't want to be mixing the finals alone.
Due to those two teams leaving the final, two new teams were added in. First one was tarD-re, who immediately began to train even tho they were still notrained on Saturday evening. The second team to go there was LAW, but only Garfield showed up, and it was hard for the team to fight against others with only one player.
Grand Final
As the first map of the finals we had the difficult islander by JumperJack. The map showed its tricky side right after the start, as one of the favorites, the WR holder Dengel from team MLOL, slipped out of the track on the first lap and had to respawn. Also wormi from pls crashed badly during the first lap and had to start his comeback from the last position. Dengel's crash opened a door to someone else to win, and a bit surprisingly, tarD-re's Passi managed to win the map with time 23:51.08 with a good regu. Tona from Dunno finished second, about 3.5 seconds after Passi. Even though Dengel lost a lot during the first lap, he was clearly the best driver for the other 23 laps, and did a sick comeback from last positions to 3rd, being just about 12 behind Tona on the finish line. Team Ghost's Yannovsky was fourth about 3 seconds behind Dengel, and the mapper itself who had had a long fight with Yannovsky during the race, JumperJack, was fifth. A tight fight was held also between Ghost's Axatar and Rev Zozor, as Axatar won him just with 0.12 seconds. Wormi managed to get 15th after his horrible first laps. The last finisher was Darkhawk from URMOM with his keyboard. His teammate Tunga and BBoD's Lukas didn't finish the map as they retired it due to poor performance and gathered powers for next maps. The best lap was set by Yannovsky, and it was 57.82.
Both Dunno with pranksta and Tona and MLOL with Arkone & Dengel had 41 points after the race. With 38 points tarD-re was third after Passi's win and Ezom's 12th place. Ghost had 36 points, MCM with JumperJack and RKO90 had 27 points, and a bit surprisingly, team pls got sixth with 26 points - thanks to Lolita's 9th place. Garfield as the only LAW member took his team as 10th, in fron to BBoD and URMOM, but it was clear that even without URMOM having Zooz in their lineup, those teams would be hard to keep behind on the other maps.
Also this map was quite difficult. One uphill especially was really critical, as crashing before it makes you lose a lot in time. This time the start of the map wasn't that crashy, and Tona followed by Sandder from UH took a nice gap to others right after it. During the race MCM's radPL and both pls players Lolita and SmartDriver had a lot crashes though. Even though Sandder almost cathed Tona during the last a couple of laps, Tona won the map in 21:48.18 and also gained the best laptime of 53.81 that he dd quite early. Sandder finished only about 1.5 seconds behind Tona. MLOL's Arkone had a great regu which caused him to finish as third, even though he lost 20 seconds to winner. Zepset from Ghost was fourth losing only one second to Arkone. This map presented also other great fights: JumperJack was 5th with his 22:18.76, but Phoenix from MLOL and Elco from Rev finished both in a second after him. Dunno's pranksta won lonerider Garfield with 0.4 seconds and took the 8th place. Ye another fight was between Zozor and Passi, as Zozor won his 12th place with marginal 0.2 seconds. During the last laps there was also a nice fight in from two last places 22-23, as SmartDriver and radPL were really close eachother. On the last lap rad had a little wallhit though, which caused him to lose a lot speed and finish last.
What comes to teams, Tona and pranksta's Dunno got now 42 points and kept their lead, but MLOL with Arkone and Phoenix got just one point less. Ghost with Zepset and Yannovsky got again 36 points keeping their third place overall. Rev was the 4th best team of the map getting 31 points with Elco and Zozor. Thanks to Sandder and Zell, UH was fifth gaining 30 points. The other teams didn't score more than tarD-re's 22 points, and the last team of the map was pls with only 11 points.
Zepset's coast map wasn't as hard as other maps, or at least it was more forgiving to errors. Once again, Tona and Sandder took a great start and took little difference to others. However, Tona was at home on coast and managed to win the map with time 23:15.83. Sandder finished again second losing a bit over 6 seconds to Tona, even though he had a sick comeback try during the last laps, that ended in driving a new world record of 56.93, which made the relay server and streamers gasp. Zepset knew the map's tricks and was third with 23:33.50. Between places 4-8 it was a great fight between the players. Phoenix managed to win the 4th place, but Marius from Dunno was only one second behind. Dengel from MLOL lost 2 seconds to Marius, and Lukas from BBoD was 3 seconds behind Dengel. Red Shreder from Ghost got 8th one second behind Lukas. Cl_ment from tarD-re, who finsihed 9th, was also really fast and had the best lap time for a while, but his too risky driving caused also many crashes. URMOM's Darkhawk, MCM's radPL and pls's wormi had a nice fight for quite long, but after 15 laps keyboarders took a bit difference and wormi finsihed behind them as 16th. Zero took more lead against pls in standings as SmartDriver from pls was last and L94 from Zero was 13th. Also Ezom from tarD-re and Maro from MCM had a nice fight during the map,
Dunno took the pot with 45 points as both drivers finished in top 5. MLOL was again second with 40 points, and Ghost managed to get 39 points with Zepset and Red Shreder. Rev was nicly 4th thanks to Elco and Titi74 and UH fifth thanks to Sandder as second. Now on TMS environment the TMO-specialist Garfield wasn't able to keep other teams behind alone, and LAW was the last. BBoD took a little comeback, but stayed behind URMOM in overall standings.
Little Final
I'll keep this short. Only half of teams appeared in the little final. The first map (island) was a tight fight between Mec, FET and dac-SP, as both Mec and dac-SP got 41 points while FET won them with one point only. The snow maps however, was a clear Mec domination as they took almost maximum points being 1st and 3rd on it, but on coast dac-SP had a great comeback and now they got 45/47 points. After 3 maps, Mec leads having 126 points and 2 points more than dac-SP. FET is third with 112 points, Teams ement and GB are 4th and 5th.
The standings of Grand Final are (shows points/environment and total score):
Dunno |
Ghost| |
tarD-re |
яеѵ |
UH |
zero| |
pls |
BBoD |
See the little finals standings here.
Grand Final VOD, hosted by Kurppa and wormi:
The last mappack is already out, you can get it here. See you next Sunday, around 20.15! Remember to check the relays and stream available! :)
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as i had my hud off, i couldn't see who i drove against and on which position i was. I knew rad and me had a long fight but i didn't remember much more^^
though I'm surprised you didn't write about the same time from Titi and Tunga on Coast. :D
Nice to see in the VOD how many people specced it on the Relay. It was an amazing fight on Coast, cool that you showed it a lot. My race was pretty intense and hard to focus there. I was driving all the first 20 laps within a car or right behind a car. This causing I didn't see any walls in all the chicanes and safed a lot which made me loose 1 sec every lap. I can't overtake other cars on such tight coast turns like clem did, just following thema and hoping they'll crash, which they didn't do, so it became an awesome fight!
Just a little hint in the stream: Please use a Behind camera there when speccing. ;)
Yep we (or Kurppa) noticed the big fight there, and it really was interesting to watch. I also checked to VOD as I didn't see it by myself, except when colliding with you for a couple of laps before you crossed the finish line ^^