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11 days after the 9th DNC, the ESL staff wanted to organize the biggest Dirty Night Cup ever : 64 slots !
4 hours of fights !
74 players registered for this cup, and 52 did the check-in at 7pm. The staff is really glad to see the success of these cups ! On the last DNC new I released, I told you that it was really close and skilled. This one was even more tighty ! Same rules (4 maps,1v1v1v1, 80/120pts) and the best world players! Many great matchs during all the evening, you can see the whole tree -here-. The surprise was to see a " Sweden vs
France" in final (we're in the middle of the Nations Dirt Cup 2013) with
Gswe81 and
DuffarN. The fight was really hard but it's Bepino who won his second DNC in a raw, ahead Nico, Gswe81 and DuffarN.
Time to do a break !
After many Dirty Night Cups in 2-3 months, the staff will do a small break and give the priority to the others competitions like Nations Dirt Cup 2013, 3DMAX Dirt Supremacy or Dirty Championship for example. Stay tuned for next DNCs !
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