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After 2 months of competition, it's the end of SLIP V ! TeaM-Fox won it ahead
Evokate! Gaming and team
About the SLIP V
After 4 editions, the SLIP V was the reborn of this famous tournament. Some modifications of the initial rules and principle : At the beggining, the SLIP was a championship with up and down of ligues like in football ; but the multiple disparitions/alliances of teams and leavings of players falsified the ranking. The SLIP's staff took advantage of these things and decide to reset the rank and create two tables : one Elite and one Fun, with them own tracks and them own qualifications.
Tab Elite
The 6 bests teams on qualifications made the 1st group, the 6 following ones made the 2nd group etc. It was hard to give a favourite for this group, the 6 teams were really skilled. But after a tournament without any mistake, TeaM-Fox are victorious ahead
Evokate! Gaming and team
Spam. You can see the whole ranking - Here -
Tab Fun
Like in the Elite Tab, the 6 bests teams made the 1st group, from 7th to 12th the 2nd group etc. Demoniak team lost only one match (against DDR) and finished first of the Fun table, ahead
FD# and
DDR. You can see the whole ranking - Here -
TeaM-Fox won 30K planets for their victory, Evokate! Gaming won 25K for their second place, 20K for Spam for their third place and 78K for the rest of the Elite Table.
Demoniak won 15K planets for the Tab fun victory, FD# won 13K for their second place, DDR won 11K for their third place and 45K for the rest of the Fun Table
Mappers + Pronostics victories : 155K planets !
Global Dotation : 426.000 planets !
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