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![[ESWC] Hylis's speech!](/img/../uploads/images/images/banners/eswc2012.jpg)
Yesterday, Hylis went on the ESWC main Stage to talk about what will be the future of ManiaPlanet, the community and the 10th trackMania birthday. He invited on stage two great and active members of the community, Mangastef and Purification were there to introduce their activities on the game, the first one for its CMC and PMC contest administration, and the second for its famous videomaking work.
Hylis also talked a bit of the 10th birthday event, the TrackMania² demo, and how they will handle this great event!
You can have the video and a translated version of this on the official ManiaPlanet foum :
- The topic : http://forum.maniaplanet.com/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=23826
- The video : http://www.tm-tube.com/video/29081/PGW+2013%3A+10+Years+of+TrackMania
you can watch the Day 3 pictures here on facebook :https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.479557185487475.1073741834.174552785987918&type=3
you can watch the Day 2 pictures here on facebook : https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.479016452208215.1073741833.174552785987918&type=3
Check out all the pictures of the ESWC World Day 1 (215 pictures to watch!) on our official facebook page here : http://on.fb.me/16lSL9B
Thanks to Nanoushka who shot these pictures!
Hey folks, so the time has come for the world to get its great war! Indeed 10 countries and more than 70 players will fight on the 2 NADEO games with no mercy, no prisoners, bloodshed and thirst of victory to crown the best players of the world!
Indeed the ESWC is about to start from 30 October to 3 November at Paris Games Week! So Mania-Actu will be there for a complete coverage of the best SM and TM competition.
Here in this news we will put every interesting things which are not focused on the competitions but more on ManiaPlanet itself, and all the tools we will put for the coverage like streams, Hylis's speaches and different new templates for detailed scores. So stay tuned here on Mania-Actu and on our Facebook to get all information you are searching for.
Hylis's announcements:
Hylis will be on the ESWC main stage Thursday 31 October for about 30 minutes! We have no idea what will be the topic, what new features or games he will introduce, but we know one thing for sure : Do no miss it!
Indeed, since everytime Hylis speaks on stage, new awesome things are coming up! So we can not wait to be there and enjoy the show!
ESWC did things well for this event, and for every gamers that won't get a chance to be there, many streams will be available in both french and english. Many games will be streamed on the 2 big stages.
So just go there : http://www.eswc.com/en/portfolio/video/x2vvjq and choose what you are searching for. Indeed we will update our Facebook and give you information every time a ShootMania or TrackMania game is streamed.
Our Live Tool:
We have a surprise for you for this ESWC. We developed a live tool which will give all scores, statistics et replays in real time for ShootMania. You can't follow the stream? You can follow all results with this tool at the same time than the stream.
- ESWC France: https://mania-actu.com/eng/staticpages/view/50/Live_ESWC_France_2013
- ESWC World: https://mania-actu.com/eng/staticpages/view/51/Live_ESWC_World_2013
Don't hesitate to give us feedbacks, report bugs and suggestions to improve this tool.
>> News Tools
I'd give all my money to see a similar tool for TrackMania!