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Hi Community!
It's time for the fourth BVOTW chosen by the Mediaplanet Admin Staff!
Thanks for all the submissions! Made our work much easier! Still, some videos are found in the deep interwebz!
If you think your video belongs in here for the next BVOTW, then take your time and post the video under this article or on our facebook page!
Judges: K.ProD, Andriv, Eyebo, BasBaas
#1 - S5yn3T - Lik3D"Cocow on TGC²-Dafunk
Well executed editing and nice style there!
#2 - Purification - Trackmania Cutscene #5
Funny idea!
#3 - Andriv - Awsomniac on Opale Arena ~ Marius89
Typical Andriv video. Solid style and nice atmosphere.
#4 - Riolu! - World Record on Tobaggan by Basbaas
Nice map and run! Cool little edit!
#5 - Tona - Norman ~ Road to Victory
Entertaining skill video and nice feeling!
More Submissions, which you should also check out!
Frostbeule - Perfect Runs - by Flexsor
Shootmania - eSuba Eather #2 - by Kryštof Viktora
Help us finding some recent or submit yours on our facebook wall! The Mediaplanet team and already more than 200 (!) followers can't wait to see your newest creation!
Post your thoughts about this project and rating here! Critics are welcome of course! Also, if you have a treasure to share don't hesitate to share it!
Have a nice day!
K.ProD and Purification!
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A very beautiful SM movie by the CPLAY TV team:
Hope you like it.
Wally - History Through mapping
Majo - Awesome until the end