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Hi Community!
It's time for the third BVOTW chosen by the Mediaplanet Admin Staff!
Thanks for all the submissions! Made our work much easier!
If you think your video belongs in here for the next BVOTW, then take your time and post the video under this article or on our facebook page!
Judges: K.ProD, Purification, Darkpuddle, S5yn3T, Eyebo, Cuba
#1 - worldtrialclub - Trialmaster 2013 Map #7 (Run by Marius89)
Intense video with Marius' driving! Really entertaining in many ways!
#2 - Scareface - Chile Duo run on ESL - Black Diamond
Clean video, nice editing, quite enjoyable. What more do you want?
#3 - IntroC - Valley Platform Trailer
A really good trailer for IntroC's upcoming title pack! Don't expect it too soon! Enjoy this little gem instead!
#4 - Xenosis - SAW.DIRT ~ Smoke it!
Very cool run video with many cool cameras and ideas! Worthy 4th place!
#5 - Riolu! - WR on Bat Fight by pfm
Wonderful map and cool video!
More submissions:
Just Map! - IntroC
Painsec ~ Fragmovie - TheExeki
Tobaggan - BasBaas
Summer Challenge Results - CarlCJ
Good Feeling - Eyebo
Skylight Shores - Lars
Help us finding some recent or submit yours on our facebook wall! The Mediaplanet team and already more than 200 (!) followers can't wait to see your newest creation!
Post your thoughts about this project and rating here! Critics are welcome of course! Also, if you have a treasure to share don't hesitate to share it!
Have a nice day!
K.ProD and Purification!
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Thanks for your support, i'm really enjoying making those trialmaster's videos, and i am still learning :p
See you for the next one :]
The song of Video 4 is also nice, I know it from a "People are Awesome" video from youtube.