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Hi Community!
It's time for the first BVOTW chosen by the Mediaplanet Admin Staff!
Due to lack of time, we decided to choose videos from the last two weeks.
If you think your video belongs in here for the next BVOTW, then take your time and post the video under this article or on our facebook page!
#1 - Riolu! - Lik3D on Opale Arena 5!
Definetly a clean video with some awesome shots and graphics in it! Really enjoyable! The mix of music, colors and the proper editing makes it! Congratulations =)
#2 - Metallica / M Productions - XL PARTY ~ ONE LAST GLORY
A cool 12 Minute skill video about the last XL Party edition, which also seems to be Metallica's last video =( . Huge effort put in this video, this is clear. The best videos are those which show you the fun, but also the sad times in a way in which maybe even you can get a little wet eyes! 2nd place for some minor editing flaws, but also for the entertainment, cams and feelings.
#3 - RickardRick - 400 Subscriber Special
RickardRick takes us on a tour through his unused / never released video clips in honor of now 400 Subscribers! Big amount of creativity here! You can see the huge amount of variety? Learn from the master!
#4 - Spirit Films / S5yn3t - Lik3D oNio on Inside Cactus
A little edit from mister cool edits! You see why it's featured here!
#5 - ScareFace - Random Editing :)
Nice little experimental, although it's a bit of an abrupt ending here. Enjoy it!
The selection was very limited; we have no map which shows us all the cool movies! Help us finding some recent or submit yours on our facebook wall! The Mediaplanet team and already 200 (!) followers can't wait to see your newest creation!
Post your thoughts about this project and rating here! Critics are welcome of course! Also, if you have a treasure to share don't hesitate to share it!
Have a nice day!
K.ProD and Purification!
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Although I`m far away from this quality, I have nothing to lose. Here is my try for the next edition(I got no FB account ;)):
I try my luck for the next week with the video that I made for Bizou of Cryum team
YouTube link
I hope you enjoy it :)
We only take videos to the TOP 5 BOTW because they are "Best of the Week" , means it has to be uploaded this week, and so on... =)