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Hey folks! Mania-Actu has always got big plans for every ManiaPlanet games, and this is the reason why we bring again this topic to the table. Indeed we always need new members to full or website with good content.
We know that the community helps us every day by using our features like "add streams" or "create your news" and we really thank you all for that. But being a full time member is a bit different since it requires other capacities and need more investment.
So we make a call to the community to help us grow our website as high as we want to. And to make it happen, we need you! There is room for everyone here and we will always find some tasks and some place for you.
News writers
We are always seeking for new active writers on every ManiaPlanet games, for reviewing, tournament covering/admin, event covering and so on...
So if you have a fluent english or french, know how to write and feel the need to become an active member of the community, feel free to apply here!
Designers, graphic artists
We are always in need of these different jobs. Indeed, so as to full our website with your awesome content, we are waiting for you. It can be for banners, backgrounds, website updates or event design, we are always seeking for active artists that want to work for their favorite game.
So if you are a designer, artist, pro or amateur, feel free to apply here!
A community manager :
You probably know what a CM is. This is a dedicated person that will take care, handle and full all our facebooks and twitters but also sharing our news and actualities on several forum like the maniaplanet official one, reddit and more geral video games websites.
We need ths kind of person and this may be you! So to applicate, juste go here!
You have a project?
You have a big plan for ManiaPlanet but do not have the skills or capabilities to make it happen? Our crew can help you make it real. So feel free to apply and we will make our best to work with you on your plans!
If you have any questions or requests, feel free to contact us. We will answer to your emails as soon as possible.
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