05 |

The finals of 11th edition of Giant Cup, a solo driving contest by ET-generation, were driven 5.9.2013. Totally 16 drivers were in the final. Jake the Cake and Cibermix were not able to drive the finals, so Arkone and Lolita got a pullback slot for the finals. The biggest favorites to win were Tona and Zooz, and also Tunga, Marius 89 and pranksta were placed high in the most predictions.
Map 1 | Coast
On the first map of the final there were many surprising rounds. Zooz won the first round, but began failing the start soon after that, and lost many points to Tona and other team Dunno's members.The race was tight between the top drivers, but also behind the top. After coast, the top 1 was Tona with 213 points. Tona's lead was safe, as the next drivers pranksta and Marius had 148 and 145 points. Zooz was only 7th with 85 points, which was a little shock to him.The last place was held by Arkone with 39 points.
Map 2 | Rally
Rally was tight battle between the top, for driver fighting for places 12-16 it was very crashy. Arkone was at his best and gained a way more points than drivers in fron of him gaining the 10th place. Wormi was totally lost on this environment, and got only 15 points more which dropped him as last with 60 points. Worm wasn't the only failer though, because also Elco lost many points on this environment and dropped from 8th slot to 14th. The winners were Zooz, who rose to the 3rd place having 276 points. Tona in the lead had 356 points, and pranksta as second 294 points.Also Lolita did the map well which caused him to get the 8th slot with 132 points.
Map 3 | Island
On the top, Tona continued being first with 531 points, while Zooz gained the second slot with 458 points. Pranksta was still third with 414 points. Passi showed his island skills and did a nice comeback from 11th place to 8th having now 235 points. The environment was hard for Darkhawk, who playes with keyboard. After island, Darkhawk had 138 points and Vins was now only 7 behind him. Sadly pranksta disconnedted during the map, which caused him to lost some points. Nevertheless he recovered well and won the round after rejoining.
Map 4 | Stadium
On stadium everybody awaited DFF drivers Lolita and wormi perform well. However, wormi's mild eye sore made concentrating between the ghosts really hard, and he crashed almost all rounds. Lolita did a bit better, but didn't manage to beat Tunga, Marius and Zooz, who surprisingly was the best driver on this map, and overtook Tona in points having stylish 666 points after stadium. Tona as second had 613, while Marius overtook pranksta rising his point catch up to 556. Tunga had 433 and Red Shreder 425 points after stadium, while wormi got the 14th place with 178 points causing Darkhawk and Vins to have the last two places. As excepted, Arkone was weak on stadium and got only 20 points more and now had 198 of them.
Map 5 | Snow
After the 5 minute break, Zooz showed that he is one of the best on snow improving his lead in total points, After this environment he had 865 points, whereas Tona as second had 726 and Marius as third 685. Lolita and Zepset had a great fight for place 7, and after 10 rounds on snow Lolita had 440 points and Zepset just 2 less.Darkhawk performed really well, and managed to take his 13th slot back with 240 points. Antanas and Elco were also close to each other on slots 10 and 11, Antanas had 297 and Elco 290 points, followed by Killer with 272 points,
Map 6 | Bay
Zepset was at home now, and got almost 100 points more than Lolita on bay, which made him get the 6th place with 598 points. Zooz kept his first place with 983 points, Tona continued as second with 894 points. Marius and pranksta had a nice fight for 3drd place, but Marius managed to keep it with 785 points while pranksta had 770 points. Wormi continued with his bad regu, and even the good rounds didn't help him to keep his place, and he dropped as last with 246 points.
Map 7 | Desert
Zooz confirmed his victory pretty easily on this map. Tona kept his second place and pranksta overtook Marius. Tunga started a sick comeback, but too late. He got the 5th place while Marius infront had just 6 points more. Antanas got overtaken by Killer and Darkhawk, and even though wormi managed to get close to Vins he stayed as last. Elco succeeded in keeping Darkhawk behind and got the 10 slot, while Red Shreder kept his 7th place, 50 points behind Zepset.
Final standings
Zooz |
Tona |
pranksta |
Marius 89 |
Tunga |
Zepset |
Red Shreder |
Passi |
Lolita |
Elco |
Darkhawk |
Killer |
Antanas |
Arkone |
Vins |
Wormi |
English one might come later.
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GG All! Really big fun to drive and i pushed my fame through this haha :D
GG all, it was a really nice fight, and GG to zooz it's a deserved victory !