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Team DDP comes back on TrackMania² Stadium and introduces the second edition of the Cannabis-Cup ! The first CC which taken place during winter 2012, was a solo based competition on cup mode and had shown the victory of
Loic, followed by
Cap &
Cannabis-Cup 2 progress.
This new edition, unlike the first one, will be a team championship. Indeed, the tournament will begin by a classic round-robin phase, each map won will count for one point on the final result, each map will be played on first-to-seven mode. There will be 3 maps by pack and matches will be played on 4v4. The two first teams of each group will qualify for the 1/8th finals on a single elimination tree.
A quite classic tournament so, which will take place from September, 23rd to November, 10th. Inscriptions are open until September, 21st. 1000 planets are requested as registration fees. Number of players in the Line Up is unlimited but a maximum of 3 "non team players" will be allowed. You can check all the rules of the tournament and then register your team on : http://cannabiscup-tm2stad.xooit.fr/index.php
Team DDP is looking for maps for this championship. You can send your creation until September, 16th via enclosing your map to the following email address : coree34@live.fr. Each map chose will be rewarded by 500 planets.
Mapping conditions :
- Style : Tech
- Length : 30s to 45s
- Hexa : Allowed
- Name : "$i$bf0CC$ccc#$bf02 $ccc- $XXXName of the map" [XXX is the color chosen by the mapper]
- Previously unpublished map.
Full regulations : http://cannabiscup-tm2stad.xooit.fr/t3-Reglement.htm
Translated into English by Gaby
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