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"Yoooo videonoobs :P
The Infernal Movie Contest organized by the RM Team is coming back with its 6th edition, after quite a long break!
How it works: each participant has to make one video on a given theme, before the deadline. Once the contest is over, our judges rate and rank the videos. Results are finaly announced as the prizes are distributed.
- IMC1 : make a video about a team (winner : Yrp360)
- IMC2 : set up a criminal video (winner : myself)
- IMC3 : imagine a fake TM² trailer (winner : Timae)
- IMC4 : realize an advertisement with TM (winner : SiH)
- IMC5 : single cam shot video (winner : Dex)
IMC6 theme and rules:
This is more of a constraint than an actual theme:
>> Never show a whole car in your video <<
That means for any car, in any sequence of your video, at any moment, there must be either a scenery element that hides a part of the car, or the camera must be set so that a part of the car is out of field. There may be other ways possible to fit to this theme, it is actually simple to understand yet not so easy to work with. //Be creative and show your style !
You will have to respect the following additional rules:
- Make your video in TMUF or TM²
- Only one video per participant (no team work allowed).
- Minimum length : 1 minute.
- Max length : none.
- Max size : 300 Mb.
- You have to send us your video before Halloween, what means thursday, october the 31st (2013).
- You must store your video in a private way when you are ready and want to send it to our judges. It MUST be kept private unitl the final results are announced. Use a personnal FTP if you have one, or use a storage site of your choice. Broadcasting on YouTube, TM-Tube or other streaming websites is forbidden before the final results are known, unless you want to be disqualified.
- Use our contact form to send the download address of your video to the RM judges.
Rating information:
There won't be any precise rating grid. The judges will have to write detailed and constructive comments on what they liked and disliked in each video and will just give an overall grade without sub-rating elements. As usual the final rating/ranking will be calculated as an average of all judgements.
A total amounf of at least 70,000 planets will be shared between the participants. You are welcome if you want to donate some of your own planets, they will be entirely used to reward the videomakers. (send to login kev717, our webmaster).
Find all info and previous IMC videos on the dedicated site :
GOGOGO, have fun! :D"
Source (written by Revo): http://forum.maniaplanet.com/viewtopic.php?f=325&t=22470&p=185325#p185325
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#1 by
Darkhawk on 2013-08-20 at 23:36

sounds great! can't wait to see the movies !
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