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Opale Arena #5 is almost here, it's time for us to unveil the mappack for TrackMania² Valley and TrackMania² Stadium tournament (It may be canceled if the entry list does not evolved quickly)
We thank all the mappers and testers to have contributed to making this awesome mappack !
TrackMania² Valley maps:
- OA5 - Juggernaut by Zengo
- OA5 - Green Inferno by wormi
- OA5 - Virgo by Marius
- OA5 - J'ansérien by sho0ta & Porix
- OA5 - Desolation by superal
TrackMania² Stadium maps:
- ESWC - Insane by wormi
- ESWC - OranBerry by Wally
- ESWC - Unexpected by Sky
- ESWC - CoPilot by ksenun-loco
- ESWC - CherryBerry by Wally
The mania-actu staff wish you a good train !
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GL & HF !
!!| Valley Train
!!| ESWC 2013 TA
!!| ESWC 2013 Rounds
Good train all ;)