This article was written by a member of the community !
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Its going hot in September and i didnt mean the temperatures outside.
The RED STI Group starts the Event time in Stadium of TM² with a Knockout Event.
or with other, not diplomatic words:
Which one is the ultimative Asskicker? You can proof it here
The registration opens at 01.09.2013
More infos, terms and rules you can read here in english language: ... m&board=60
or ask "Abgematzt" directly.
Watch out and have fun in a new aera of Stadium Drivers bashing
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It would be nice if the Cup are displayed in the competition calendar.
Thank you.
For faster updates about the KTO
Sunday, at 18:00 (6 p.m.) starts the first beta test for the KTO cup from RED STI in TM² Stadium.
At 6 o'clock the Server "STI ENTERTAIN" get locked. All drivers they connect till there have the permission to participate the beta test one.
Every 3 minutes the last one kicked out and have no permission to join again to the test.
joinlink: maniaplanet://#join=Stigmata2@TMStadium
This is a live and performance test. We attempt to get feedback from the Server about stability and performance and the mgm. check out the rules in live action. If something get wrong dont be angry - its a test only. You do important work to give the RED STI Group feedback!