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Social gaming network Beyond Gaming together with Ubisoft have announced the TrackMania² Stadium Triple Crown Feast taking place from August 1st to August 11th.
All you have to do to participate is to sign-up on the website and make sure you add the game to your account. Then an open ladder played in 1vs1 will start on August 1st where you basically want to play against as many players as possible to rank in the top 30% that can win prizes (from Burger King gift cards to a DXRACER Style - a racing inspired chair, among many other prizes in total valued over $3,000).
There will also be a playoffs starting the day after the open ladder is over (august 8th), but not much else information is yet available concerning that.
Lastly, if you don't have the game, Nadeo is giving away a free 30 day trial so that you can still participate in the event. Claim it here.
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