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After a successful 1st edition, TM Masters has announced their 2nd edition of the True Talent Cup! The event will take place on Sunday July 21st.
For those who don't know how this cup works, it's played in a KnockOut format where for each round the last player is always eliminated until there's only 1 player left. Also maps are unknown for everyone at the start.
Check out all the rules for the cup, as well as how to sign-up to it by visiting this topic.
The registration has already maxed out at 64 players, but there's always the chance that some people won't show up, or that the limit is raised, so don't feel discouraged to still sign-up!
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It was probably announced on TMM page but still, i guess it's kinda shame that players can't register just because they miss news on TMM facebook page for 1 day...
But maybe they can raise the player-limit. As long as they have the capacity of doing so that is.
Yesterday MX hosted the first Stadium-only Knockout in TM2. Unfortunately just about 9 or 10 guys showed up. If they do a Stadium-KO again (and there will come more), it would be nice, if all the stadium-pros join it. Therefore I want to inform you here about it. Every Saturday 2 Knockouts in TM2 and one Knockout in TMU are played. Which environments will be played in the TM2 Knockouts, you can see in this thread:
About this one here: I really would like to take part, as I like the Knockout system. I don't think that a maximum limit is necessary. In the TMX / MX Knockouts it works like this:
- 20 player or less left = 1 player KO per round
- 40 player or less left = 2 player KO per round
- 60 player or less left = 3 player KO per round
and so on. Maybe you can make the same here, so you don't need a limit and the Knockout won't take too long. ;)