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Dana Cup #1 La compétition de la Valley de Dana
The Dana cup is a competition administrated by the big great ReDiX known by...no one, but here since Sunrise!
This competition (as you probably understood) will be on Valley, and will last fo 7 days. You will have to pay 50 planets (or more) to be able to play and be part of the ranking.
This competition will be played from 12 July 20h30 to 20 July 22h, and costs 50 planets. (you have to pay directly on the server)
It will be played on a comunity Mappack that i will receive from you. A Time Attack mode, with a ranking based from the best times to the worst ones (times made on the wole maps). There are no map style, i accept LOLMAPS, FS, Speedtech, tech, dirt...Indeed since we play on only 1 title, it has to be a great mix.
I will try to reward all the players, with some planets already on my account, the server's ones+registering ones. Since this is the first time for me, i may get some troubles with organisation, so do not be rude, but i promise you wil get paid.
It will be possible to see the live ranking on the TD's website here : http://www.teamtd.fr/index.php?p=serveur
For the mappers, do not hesitate to end your work on : contact@aurelien-froment.fr.
There are no particular restriction, i just want some playable maps.
I have no map limit, i will just put every maps i received which are playable ( I am not a complicated boy)
Moreover, you will just have to add « DC#1 - » as a tag in your map's name.
- Date : 12 Jully to 22 July
- Serveur : France > Picardie > Oise > Dana Cup. Login serveur : tdteam (120 slot + more if needed)
- Cost : 50 planets (on te server)
- Reward for all the player
- No player limit
- Live ranking : http://www.teamtd.fr/index.php?p=serveur
- Game mode : Time Attack
- Map style : any
- Exclusive maps for this competition
- Send your maps to : contact@aurelien-froment.fr
If it works, i will do it again every months,and i will try to not do it same weeks as CMC, ad PMC
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