This article was written by a member of the community !
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The Penetown Cup
1 - Description
The Penetown Cup is a competition organized by [SFK] Penelope with the help of all the team members.
It is based on the spirit that we are trying to make, fun and relaxation while playing on the performance and reward the effort invested.
The goal is simply to finish all the maps of Penetown server, mini-maps funs and techs all united environments less than 20 seconds
achieving the best possible.
2 - Progress
The competition will begin Monday, July 1, 2013 at 20:00 and will run until Wednesday, July 31, 2013 at 22:00.
3 - Registration
The competition is open to all players of all levels.
Participation is free.
No registration is required in advance.
simply finish ALL the maps so that the player will be counted in the final standings
4 - Rules
The concept of Penetown Cup is relatively simple:
For a period of 31 days (1 month), 49 maps will be available against the Time Attack mode (6 minutes per map) on the server Penetown (France / Ile de France / Val de Marne) tmtp://#join=serveur_pene4
49 maps are 7 maps for each United environment (Bay, Coast, Speed, Island, Snow, Stadium, Rally).
the maps are short (less than 20 seconds), fun and Tech both. they vary in difficulty.
During the 31 days of competition, players must finish the 49 maps is essential to obtain a combined final time (sum of all PB performed on 49 maps).
At the end of the competition, the players who have not completed the 49 maps, and therefore, not having accumulated time will be excluded from the final ranking.
Everyone is free to redo the maps as many times as he wants to improve his PB.
Top 10 cumulative time will be rewarded (see 6 - Rewards)
Jackpot (minimum 3000 coppers) will be given to a player randomly at the end of the competition (see 6 - Rewards).
A random lottery daily allow this player to win a 500 coppers (see 6 - Rewards)
5 - Behavior
The competition is open to everyone, as long as it meets minimum others and the gaming community (not pseudo provocative / violent / racist / pornographic)
If possible tensions (we can not stop sometimes), thank you to quickly settle whether privately or through an admin. Fair play is required.
Obviously, cheats, cuts and multi-accounts are strictly prohibited. Any player caught in the act, will be expelled from the competition, or even banned from the server.
Good humor is the key word on the server, so the "haters" refrain (under penalty of temporary or permanent sanctions)!
6 - Rewards
The top 10 players in the standings will be awarded as follows :
- 1er : 40 000 cc
- 2ème : 20 000 cc
- 3ème : 10 000 cc
- 4ème : 5 000 cc
- 5ème : 2 500 cc
- 6ème : 2 000 cc
- 7ème : 1 000 cc
- 8ème : 700 cc
- 9ème : 500 cc
- 10ème : 300 cc
Jackpot (a minimum of 3000 coppers) reward one of the participants who completed the 49 maps at the end of the competition, by lot
A daily lottery will offer 500 cc a player participating connected (based on a minimum number of players present for the draw, between 20h00 and 22h00)
Donations are open on the server. Use the bar donations at the bottom right of the server:
All donations made to the server during the Cup will be paid in the Jackpot
9 - Clauses
The team reserves the right to change the rules at any time for practical reasons or other equity concerns.
Any comments or questions are welcome.
9 - Thanks
A big thank you to Elmacho without which the server would never emerged. Miaouuuuu!
A big thank you to [SFK] Antony, Excelsior and Olymptor who did a phenomenal job so that I can offer this Cup in the best conditions, both in the development of plugins, the creation of server images, maps made with the constraints of the cup, and patience they have shown towards my requirements Girl, Hat!
A big thank you to XCS Scorpius, for all the work he has done, signing several sets of maps, especially for my Cup. O great master mapping, Penelope welcomes you!
A big thank you to Sky, who supported me in this project, and has actively participated in the design of the server for the cup. Thank you friend!
A big thank you to all players who participate in this challenge, the fun and the spirit of TM, this big family where the competitive spirit does not hinder the support and good humor, Bravo!
Have Fun All
>> News Tools
Cuts prohibited is not that obvious though.
That means you'll edit the maps on which cuts are found?
google translate
nous avons developpé nous même le plugin de la cup et il est difficile pour nous de reinplanter des maps deja mise car cela modifierai completement le classement je suis pas developpeur donc je retranscris ce que l'on m'a dit
we have fixed the problem on the rules:
About the map with cut : we remove the map, we fix the cut and we add it on the server and with all the time of the map to zero, so you have to do again your PB on this one.
ca m'etonnerai qu'on se recroise sur valley ou canyon ou meme shootmania un seul espoir questmania lol