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After having waited for some years for a new great eSport title, and after some months of beta testings, stadium drivers can now officialy have fun on a released game! Indeed, TrackMania² : Stadium is out, available on steam and in ManiaPlanet!
So, as you all know, this game that costs about 10 Euros comes with new features! Let's see it.
Solo campaign :
So the first main feature that is awaited by tons of drivers is, off course, the solo campaign! Unfortunately for beta testers, times that already have been done will be disabled. But you will be able to uphold your times on 5 different levels (White, Green, Blue, Red and Black) to reach the top of the solo ranking.
New blocks :
We all saw on Youtube these new blocks, that were shown during a ManiaGala in Poitiers (whatch it here). But watching is different from playing, and everybody here want to test these new ones.
This mix between road and dirt will bring some awesome new possibilities for professional mappers, and they suit perfectly to high level competition. It is always a pleasure to discover a new way of driving, some diversity and a real new challenge!
We only regret that these blocks are only underground ones, and can be mixed with others classic blocks only with transition blocks. But Unlimiter freaks will definitly find a way to do whatever they want with these blocks!
Conclusion :
So, we know what ManiaPlanet is now. An iceberg that just showed us a little part of amazing possibilities, but day by day we go forward and discover the real MP potential.
For now, a Free to play version is about to come. This free version will come later, but we do not know what will be its content and its restricted features.
We know what the future will bring to us, and this release is a little part of it. Now the next steps will be some full in game eSport content, rankings, team managements and lots of community content!
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Podium block looks also nice. ;)