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![[up²] One year of Mania-Actu!](/img/../uploads/images/images/banners/banner1ans.jpg)
We have our winners for our birthday game.
Fabien Montinet and Omar Haidara on Facebook.
On twitter, it's Pierre-Luc
On Mania-Actu website, it's Ynos and riolu.
For Fabien and Omar, please send us a PM on Facebook with your details.
For Pierre-Luc, send us a PM on Twitter.
For Ynos and riolu, send a PM to Jonthekiller with your details.
For those who were in weekend and could not participate, we let you until Thursday 21h CEST.
A year ago to the day we launched the successor of TM-Actu after 3 years of loyal service. Mania-Actu has enabled us to achieve a multi-language site dedicated to news about ManiaPlanet. During this year we continued to improve our site by adding new features to help the community to promote their creations, competitions and streams.
Our merger with Drakonia last summer allowed us to follow the news from a different perspective, the tournament admins. We administered ESWC, Gamers Assembly and the Cap' Arena recently. We will continue in this way to try to always provide you quality events.
This year is a year of transition for ManiaPlanet and eSport and we hope to be ready for the future where the activity will increase, whether on ShootMania, on TrackMania and later on QuestMania.
Mania-Actu is more than just a news website on ManiaPlanet with achieving Combo and Elite mappacks, our forum, server browser and other surprises that we will announce soon.
To celebrate the one-year of Mania-Actu, we will make you win 5 ShootMania mousepads collector. To win, you just have to participate in these games (you can participate in French and / or English):
- A random draw among people being able to list 10 features of the Mania-Actu website in the comments on this news. 2 mousepads to win. Do not try to copy your neighbour, there is a choice ;)
- On Facebook, the two people who would post the most original way "Happy Birthday Mania-Actu !" comment in this post: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=413467228763138... (written, video, picture ... let your imagination free)
- On Twitter, the person who describe the best Mania-Actu in 140 characters by responding to this tweet: https://twitter.com/maniaActu/status/345596218451300353
Winners will be announced Sunday, June 16 at 21h CEST.
Do not forget to follow us on Twitter and Facebook so that we can contact you if you win!
>> News Tools
1. Eventcalendar
2. ManiaPlanet stats (really cool stuff)
3. Submitting news/streams possible for every user
4. Portals for TrackMania-only or ShootMania-only content with their very own backgrounds
5. Multilanguage (english and french)
6. Very nice eventcoverages (scores always up to date, nice photos, awesome interviews and stuff)
7. Possibility to search for a specific event/news/team/keyword/whatever
8. Kind and capable admins... I guess that's a feature :D
9. A forum... which seems to be new here :o
10. And last but not least... News around the whole ManiaPlanet! :)
/!\ 1 an déjà /!\
1 - Proposer ses news.
2 - Partager ses streams (dans toutes les langues).
3 - Envoyer des messages privés.
4 - Un forum.
5 - Un browser de serveurs alternatif de celui ingame.
6 - Les statistiques de ManiaPlanet.
7 - Référencement des manialinks.
8 - Un calendrier avec les événements.
9 - Site multilingue (Français & Anglais).
10 - Plusieurs portails (ManiaPlanet, ShootMania, TrackMania).
Petit 1 - Des jolie photos
Petit 2 - Des belle lettres de toutes sortes
Petit 3 - De beaux logos
Petit 4 - Des jolie videos ou les gens se tirent dessus ou se font la course
Petit 5 - De l' humour (j'aime ^^ )
Petit 6 - Des jolie couleurs
Petit 7 - Des liens que quand tu cliques dessus ça t'envoie sur un autre site (Trop balaise le truc )
Petit 8 - Des gens des 4 coins du monde (Meme si y a pas de coin ^^ )
Petit 9 - Des trucs avec avec des chiffres (Des scores apparement )
Petit 10 - Des pow pow grils , mais je sais toujours pas ou elles sont ^^
Voila en gros un petit descriptif du site Mania-Actu
Bisous tout le monde :-p
1 - Des flashs infos
2 - Calendrier des évènements
3 - Liste de VODs et Streams
4 - Un forum
5 - Des actualités sur les compets actuelles et à venir
6 - Partage de manialinks
7 - Des photos des évènements passés
8 - Commenter les news
9 - Des stats de fréquentations des jeux maniaplanet
10 - Faire gagner des tapis SM (à quand les tee-shirt :D)
PS : Petite pensée pour TM-Actu.
1. News about the whole Maniaplanet
2. Maniaplanet Statistics
3. Server browser
4. Event calendar
5. "My Content" - The ability to post your own stuff here
6. 2 Languages
7. Clean layout
8. A forum
9. No ads! :D
10. Photos, coverages and other cool stuff
1. Maniaplanet|ShootMania|TrackMania News
2. Streams / Vods
3. Interviews with Players & Others
4. Mania-Actu Forum
5. Discuss New Maps in the vote pool
6. IRC / TeamSpeak
7. Become a part of the map testers
8. Public publish their own articles
9. English / French Language Friendly
10. ManiaPlanet Stats & Server Browser
2: A lot of ideas` exchange with the community
3: The support that you give to Nadeo Games
4: Support to the main ShootMania lans (ESWC,GA,Cap Arena and more)
5: Let the community to vote for the map pool
6: A free TeamSpeak server for the community
7: All usefull news in the main page
8: Competition livestreams in a easy spot to see
9: The live coverage from the Lans with photos, videos and other good stuff.
10: The forum is also an important feature which is important to be in contact with the community, as you do.
Really great site where you can find all in the easiest way !
Merci pour ce concours
longue vie Mania-Actu
Thank you to all !
Merci surtout à vous pour tout le boulot que vous faites .
Merciiiiiiiiiiiii Mania-Actu ;-)))