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The clan xeon eSports is again presenting an Event to the TrackMania Community:
The xeon Envimix Event
Aim of the Event is to build an Envimix Map inside the Stadium Environment driveable with a Stadium Car. The Map should be around 30-60sec long and all Mapstyles are accepted. The Mapping time has began on the 1st of June and will be till the 1st of July, so there is less than one month left!
To take part you have to register at our own Envimix Eventpage: event.xeonesports.de/envimix
There you have to post your Track to the Maps Topic in the Forum and you can even upload a Screenshot of your Map with a link to TM-Exchange (TMX). The three newest Maps will be shown at the Eventpage.
Next to the Mapping time comes the driving and rating time, where all players can vote for the Maps. At the end the builder of the best rated Map will win 10.000 Coppers and a TrackMania Envimix Tag Gold. In addition the builder will get Operator rights at the xeon Envimix Server. There will be prices for the 10 best Maps also.
Remember: you will need the newest TM-Unlimiter Version to build these Maps and to join the Server.
Short Info:
- no entery fee
- mapping time till 1.7.2013
- evaluation time: till 1.8.2013
- at least 10 non-stadium blocks (e.g. Snow, Bay, Coast,...)
- maplength: 30sec - 1minute
- register on the Eventpage and post your Map
- join the Server: tmtp://#join=xeon.envimix
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