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![[Up] ManiaPlanet Statistics](/img/../uploads/images/images/banners/maniaactuclassic.jpg)
You can now find the graph with the number of players by environment updated each 30 minutes.
At Mania-Actu we always like to offer you something new. Today, we want to provide a new tool showing the proportion of players on ManiaPlanet by environment. The achievement was made through the tools provided by Nadeo.
So you can follow in near real time the amount of players playing on a server. Are not taken into account the spectators and servers that are hidden. We believe that the numbers are very close to reality (about 95%) and the graph is updated every 20 minutes. You can see the proportion of the last 24 hours or the last week as well as the average over the period.
It will be interesting to follow the evolution at the release of Stadium, the free part of Storm and later for Valley.
We can see ShootMania's players are not very morning instead TrackMania's players.
You can find the page in the menu Tools/ManiaPlanet Stats or directly here: https://mania-actu.com/eng/staticpages/view/46/ManiaPlanet_Statistics
>> News Tools
I don't know how explain better, sorry.
But I personally find absolute numbers more interesting. This shows us only the distribution of players; it would be more exciting to have absolute numbers to see the growth of the maniaplanet network.
Maybe you can implement a switch between percent and absolute numbers?
But, where is the last player ? Does he really play ? xD
Btw nice work :p
(no hate canyon guys)
Big surprise, since it's the only title which is accessable from everyone for free at the moment.
Very interesting stats, it shows that Trackmania (not only Stadium, right?) is still popular, in opposition of what has been said. Without any promotion and much fewer tournaments it manages to overcome Storm.
So @Nadeo/Ubisoft: I hope you will bet on TM next months! Storm is settled, now bring TM back under the spotlights plz!
It seems to me that storm players influence the graph the most. While they are online a lot in the evening and even after midnight, they seem to be offline in the morning and early afternoon. In Trackmania there seems to be action over the whole day. A possible reason: I dunno the Storm community, but maybe it exists mostly of Europeans while in Trackmania there are also some Noth/South-American and Australian people active keeping online servers in the morning hours alive.
Btw, one little thing: It shows only the people playing online on a server. That means, you do not see the people playing offline and that are probably in Trackmania more guys, as you can just build maps offline in Storm (otherwise you have to play online, am I right?), while you can build maps and also hunt maps, or the NadeoLeaderboard offline in the Trackmania environments.