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![[Up] TMM True Talent Cup - wally takes 1st!](/img/../uploads/images/images/banners/truetalentcup.png)
The cup is over and it's RtA wally that takes home the title as the True Talent and also 40.000 Coppers!
Originally wally finished second after iGn | Rowan, but then it was discovered that Rowan had let his team-mate
iGn | Xeonn play with his account during the cup. Once the admins found out about it, Rowan/Xeonn were disqualified and the title went to wally instead.
RtA wally
English VOD by Acer|frostBeule
German VOD by StubbyTV [Coming soon!]
TM Masters will be hosting a special event on Saturday June 1st called the True Talent Cup.
The mode for the cup is a KnockOut format where the last player in every round will be knocked out and the last remaining player will be the victor. What's also special about the format is that no one will see the maps prior to the start of the cup, meaning everyone will be untrained coming into the cup.
Here's all you need to know:
Cup Info
- When: One day event, Saturday June 1st 2013
- Time: Starts 18:00 CEST ends 20:00 CEST
- Game: TMNF
- Cupmode: KnockOut
- No practice beforehand
- 1 player gets knocked out each round
- Respawn is allowed
- 4 different maps. Style: easy Tech, approx 35-45 seconds long.
The cup will be streamed and casted by
Acer|frostBeule on his stream.
40.000 Coppers
20.000 Coppers
10.000 Coppers
Only 64 slots are available for the cup and they are quickly filling up. To register, go here. The entry fee to participate is set to 1.000 Coppers.
Also make sure to like TM Masters on Facebook to stay updated.
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I just totally forgot about tm2stadium since im not playing it atm xD
Ye, it is. Forgot to point it out, sorry.
Cool that you guys know the Knockout now. I hope there are more competitions like this in future, cause this game mode makes a lot of fun. For TM2 Canyon and TMU there are Knockouts every week on Saturdays, if you are interested to join for the fun btw.
Btw, gg to the Ign guy. In Knockouts everybody can win, that makes them so nice as well. ;)
Everybody can win, everybody can loose..
Another news on it: http://ign-esports.com/
And if there's a knockout plugin that doesn't require a restart every round that would also improve the event.
Oh and apparently someone else was driving with Rowan's account which I find extremely lame and disrespectful. Hopefully TMM decides to give the victory to wally instead.
EDIT: If it's our intention to cheat, why would we come forward with it afterwards?
Pretty simple: Roundsmode with one warmup and one liveround. In the end of the map the last finishing player or every player who didn't finish the track will be forced into spectator-mode by the system.
And there are way more maps to be played, not only 4. So it really counts on who is able to drive unknown maps to win the knockout. ^^