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"Inidprod" and Carl CJ organizes the first DST (Dirt-Short-Track). Individual competition "Cup" mod, on Tm ² Stadium. Without registrations.
Qualifications: from Friday, May 31th to Friday, June 7th, 2013. Final: Sunday, June 9th, 2013.
To participate :
You need to go on the server : DST Cup contest, from Friday 31th to Friday 7th, from 21:00 until midnight, mod "Cup" non-stop on maps of 25 seconds.
A referee will be present during the cups to validate the results. List of qualified players available on the website: inidprod.fr. Try your luck many times as you want, you have 8 days and several "Cup" by days.
All those who have won a "Cup" and each driver with the dedi n° 1 on each map, will participate in the final at Sunday, June 9 (10maps)
- From Friday May 31 to Friday June 7
- from 21:00 CET until midnight (or end of the "Cup" in progress).
- 10 unpublished maps, 22 to 29 seconds. Difficulty: "beginner"
- 1 WU per map, win at 300 points.
- The number of "Cup", and pilots qualified each day, is not limited.
- Sunday, June 9 at 21:00 CET.
- In "no train" 10 unpublished maps 22 to 29 seconds. Difficulty: "advanced"
- 2 WU per map, win at 400 points.
- 20 000 Planets
- 1rst : 6 000 Planets
- 2nd : 4 000 Planets
- 3rd: 2 000 Planets
- 4rth: 1 000 Planets
- 5fth: 1 000 Planets
- 6th: 1 000 Planets
- 7ème: 400; 8ème: 400; 9ème: 400; 10ème: 400 Planets
We still need "Planet" for earnings, make a donation to treasurer login: carl-johnson
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Les maps officiels seront en ligne chaque jour dès 21h00. Mais le serveur reste en ligne 24/24.
Si vous êtes qualifié, vous pouvez continuer à jouer pour les records locaux n°1.
Si vous êtes déjà qualifié et que vous remportez de nouveau une "Cup", le joueur suivant, dans le classement, sera qualifié.
La liste des pilotes qualifiés sera disponible sur le Site inidprod.fr
From Friday, May 31 to Friday, June 7, and Sunday, June 9, you can reach the DST Cup server, to 20.45. "Cup" mode until midnight at the end of the "Cup" in progress. Dedi n° 1 on each map will be only during the qualifications. The server is already online: France/Ile de France/Paris.
The official maps will be online every day from 21h00. But the server will stay online 24/24.
If you are qualified, you can continue to play for the dedi n° 1.
If you are already qualified and you win again "Cup", the next player in the rankings will qualify.
The list of qualified will be available on the website inidprod.fr
Si vous n'avez pas de Team, vous faites partie de l'équipe "no-Team" (sans Tag).
Pour les pilotes inscrit dans une Team, vous devez porter le Tag de votre Team et votre Pseudo ("Tag-Pseudo").
Les 3 premiers pilotes de chaque Team au classement final seront pris en compte dans le calcul des points.
Des gains seront donnés aux responsables des Team suivant leurs résultats.
Pour les "no-Team", les gains seront partagé à parts égale entre tout les pilotes "no-Team"
Toutes les Teams seront prises en compte lors du calcul des points, même si vous etes seul à représenter votre Team.
Pour tout changement de Team, vous devez l'annoncer avant la finale.
Team rankings for the final.
If you have no team, you are one of the "no-Team" team (without Tag).
For drivers registered in Team, you must wear your Tag Team and your Username ("Tag-Pseudo").
The first three pilots of each team in the final ranking will be taken into account in the calculation of points.
Earnings will be donated to Team managers in accordance with their results.
For "no-Team", the gains will be divided in equal parts between all the "pilots' no-Team ".
All Teams will be taken into account when calculating the points, even if you are only representing your team.
For any change of team, you must advertise before the final.
Distributions of points:
1st 25pts; 2nd 24pts; 3th 23pts; 4th 22pts; 5th 21pts; ... 22th 4pts; 23th 3pts; 24th 2pts; 25th 1pts; 26th 1pts; 27th 1 pts; ... etc
Earnings for the teams/gains pour les Team:
1st : 6 000 Planets
2nd : 4 000 Planets
3th : 2 000 Planets