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Hey Maniacs !
Some weeks ago, I published a news about a new project about a calendar website grouping all maniaplanet tournaments.
Some of you filled in a survey about the features you would like to see in it. Your answers will be taken in consideration for the development of this tool.
We need you !
In the first article, I also asked you for some help and investment in this project to hope a future release of the tool. Many of you answered "I don't know" in the line "Would like to participate to this project ?", but some answered "Yes" and we are know three !
Let's have a look to the actual Maniagenda crew :
Clément 'Xenosis' Paris - Project manager, designer and pigeon fancier
Max 'TheM' Klaversma - PHP developer and defailoper
Pierre-Luc 'Kommu' S. - PHP developer and "alwayshaveanewidea" man
We are hiring, so, if you have any awesome skill, don't hesitate to send an e-mail to : xenosis.productions@gmail.com to introduce yourself !
The team is mainly looking for a passionate designer to create the website mockups. But more we are better is the project, so, if you know HTML/CSS, PHP & MySQL, or something which would be useful, we need you.
We are all young and cool students, don't worry :)
A look to the job ?
At the moment, the project is still in preparation and not in production.
We are thinking about the features to provide and the good tools to use. Some job is already started (logos, sketchs...) but we will not show you anything there !
Stay tuned for updates !
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