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With some of the best international players, Cap'Arena seems to be the most difficult tournament since the release of TrackMania² : Canyon, going even harder than the ESWC 2012.
Opening ceremony : 12h00
Beginning of tournaments : 13h30
First Place : 600€
Second Place : 300€ + goodies
Third Place : 200€ + goodies
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Final Ranking
5PM : First Semi-FinalsWB between Ludo, Zypher, NerzulL and Klovni
Second Semi-Finals WB with between Laurens, oNio, greatadi and Cocow -
3PM : Bracket just started,
klovni seems confident after the TimeAttack
- 2PM : The tournament will start in few minutes, stay tuned !
- 9AM : Meanwhile some players still sleep under their computers, first ones like Onio begin to train.
The french stream will be shoutcasted by Durty.
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I'm always so close to the final..
when I watch the video back, I could make the corner..
But we were whole round so close, cars in cars, so I
don't know where they were, but that risk was risky xD
Go next LAN! where I'll end again 5th?^^
where is VOD ? :s
Anyway it was maybe the best Tm2's lan ! So fkg level and nice final ! Was cool to see you guys and i hope we'll meet again at the ESWC if their is Canyon :D
Norman et Greatadi étaitent finalistes, greatadi fail dès le début et laisse norman partir face a Aero.
Greatadi donne tout pour rattraper les deux devant, arrivé sur la route penché Norman fait une grosse erreur qui laisse greatadi repassé devant à la bataille contre Aero, Aero fait une petite faute sur le dernier droite en monté, et c'est finalement Greatadi qui s'empare de la première place !
Et qui casse son PC :<
Awesome week-end with you guys !
the video is now on youtube btw: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tFvaMXzUdlc
I watched it already many times and I still don't know why I didn't turn harder in that last corner :(