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The NRL is back for this 2013 season ! Hosted by the Nascar Racing Team, this competition takes place every week-end.
For this season again, the races are hosted on TrackMania Nations Forever, but the team is thinking about moving to TrackMania 2: Stadium for the next season.
Every week-end, more than 50 drivers join the game to measure their level. Coppers to win for top10 of each race !
Why not you ?
To register for this Nascar Racing League 2013, go on this link: here and follow the insctructions (You have to join one of the server and click on the registration link that appears every 2 minutes)
Once you are registered, you'll receive every week-end an email in which you'll find all the informations about the incoming races and the server details. You're asked to keep these informations for you and not tell them to anyone to make sure you can race under good conditions.
Races are divided in 3 categories:
- Stadium (≈30min)
- Envimix (≈30min)
- Endurance (≈90min)
-Stadium races: 50 laps on a 25 to 35 seconds map on Stadium environment - every sunday @18:35 CET;
-Envimix races: 50 or 60 laps depending on the map length (between 15 to 30 seconds), on Island environment with a Stadium skin - every sunday @19:35 CET;
-Endurance races: 50 or 60 laps, on minimum 1:30 maps on Island environment with a Stadium skin - Every first saturday of the month @18:35 CET.
/!\ If you want to race, you have to use a Nascar skin /!\ (This will be told you again before each race). You can easily find one on Carpark, ManiaLinks or on our website (you'll be asked to pick one during your registration)
More informations here.
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The long Season means anyone can still make an impact, all are welcome, Gogogo :D
Mid @)