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Hey folks. As you all may know, NADEO made great things during the Gamers Assembly 2k13 week-end. But the main one was this ManiaGala. The concept was a huge fair about the ManiaPlanet world, where everybody could come and have fun. The main goal of NADEO staff was to let everyone discover how infinite could be the ManiaPlanet concept. Through all the games, all the official and custom gamemodes within these games, through all the possibilities of all the titles, they showed to a crowded audience what their world was made of.
Like all the advertisments and bans said, this ManiaGala was the first one among a lot of events to come! So we will come back on this one, and show you what a ManiaGala is. And maybe next time you will travel all through Europe to not miss that.
A success!
5 stands, 1 dedicated amphitheatre, 1 bar, 1 admin/press Team and a staff made of more than 20 persons from NADEO, Drakonia and off course us, Mania-Actu. This was the ManiaGala fair! And we can say that this first event was a huge success, since the crowd was there during the whole two days! the principle was simple : you play, you win some planets (real planet coins!) and with this money, which was the only one accepted there, you can buy some goodies, foods, drinks and candies. This ManiaGala changed the feeling of spectators about this Gamers Assembly, since it was the first time that the public could come to the Gaming Zone. All of this, thanks to the ManiaGala opened to the public, where the only acces to get there was through this Gaming Zone!
Road to the amphitheatre : The king reaches his throne
The stands :
Like we said juste above, there was several stands for the public that wanted to discover the ManiaPlanet games. The idea was to mix between what NADEO could do, but also was users could make by their own, just within the game!
Canyon Time Attack : Here was a 4 computers stand were the goal was just to make the best time, among all the players. |
The Amphitheatre :
This place was the main part of this ManiaGala concept. Just behind the last stand was the entry to the NADEO's universe. This wonderfull 300 sits amphitheatre was dedicated to the ManiaPlanet world. Some conferences, fun games and Finals from all the tournaments (except ELITE Grand Final), were live there for everyone who wished to come. We spent a lot of time there listening to Hylis and all the new materials he introduced to us.
The stage : the ROYAL Final
We have to say that the mood there, during the whole week-end, was incredible. With some great games on stage, and the TrackMania² : Canyon and Stadium Grand finals, people just went crazy. And even all the neophyte enjoyed the show. NADEO can be proud of them!
So this ManiaGala was one of a great serie to come, and we wanted to show you what looked like this kind of event! We have to thanks NADEO, our friends from Drakonia and all the audience, to make these crazy things happen. And we make an appointment to all the Mania freaks around, to not miss the next one!
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