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[Update]: AND NERZULL WINS ! He beated
Ludo in this Bo5 Grand Final by 3-2.
Zypher get the 3rd place.
Nerzull : 1 Corsair Vengeance K60 Keyboard worth of 115€ + Food for the whole week-end
Ludo : 20% discount at iTechConcept + Food for the whole week-end
Zypher : 10% discount at iTechConcept + Food for the whole week-end
4th Laurens : 10% discount at iTechConcept
[Update]: Since a looser-bracket has been included, there will be no Time Attack seed. The tree will be generated at 15:00. Registrations over at 14:00 !
Cap'arena#2 is comming soon, the 3, 4 and 5 of May. We told you some weeks ago that E2G would offer the food for the whole week-end, and thanks to iTechConcept, hardwares to the winners of this tournament.
This tournament will take place Sunday the 21th of April, and will start at 15:00 CET. It will be in 1on1 mode, on the current Masters packmap:
Download it here.
Here are the prizes of this tournament:
1st : 1 Corsair Vengeance K60 Keyboard worth of 115€ + Food for the whole week-end
2nd : 20% discount at iTechConcept + Food for the whole week-end
3rd : 10% discount at iTechConcept + Food for the whole week-end
4th : 10% discount at iTechConcept
The cup will start the 21th of April at 15:00 by a Time Attack seeding, 10 minutes on 2 randomly picked maps. According this seeding, a double-elimination tree will be created in 1on1 mode.
To participate to this tournament, you simply have to create an account on E2G Tournament, and register for the cup.
For those who don't understand this french website, I'll explain everything:
- When you'll have created your account, a validation e-mail will be sent on the e-mail address. Click on the main link to make your account validated.
- When it's done, notice and click on "TM² Canyon Fast Cup" the link on the left of the website.
- On this new page, click on the tab "inscriptions" (it means "registration"), and click on the blue button "s'inscrire"
- A red zone appears, saying "Vous devez accepter le règlement pour participer à cette compétition" which means "You have to accept the rules to participate to this competition", so go on the bottom of the page, check "J'ai lu et j'accepte le règlement ci-dessus." which means "I read and I accept the rules", and then click on the blue button on the bottom of the page "Inscrire mon équipe à ce tournoi", which means "Register my team to this tournament".
- And it's done ! You now have to wait an admin to validate your registration.
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Nice thing
Hopefully not. :P