Mania-Actu is always developing his website to offer you more content, more services and more information about your favorite games.
But those developing need some volunteer in order to be realized.
Actually we are searching people with different skills. Are you interested to work as a volunteer for a news website ? You love ManiaPlanet games and want to be involved into the community by helping us ? It's time to check our needs and apply if you feel interested.
We accept everyone who is motivated even if you begin. The most important is that you want to learn with our staff.
Web/ManiaLink Designer
If you got some experiences as designer for web or Manialink or if you got some competence in Photoshop (or other designer software) and you want to suggest some ideas for the design you can apply for this domain. We don't require good coders for this, only some guy who are motivated and got art fiber.
If you're interested go on the recruitement form and chose "Graphism" in domain.
In order to help us to develop our projects for Mania-Actu, we need two types of developers.
Web Developer who knows HTML/PHP to help us to develop the website and some interesting projects.
Mobile developer who master Android/iPhone/Windows Phone technologies to help us on the mobile applications of Mania-Actu.
If you're interested go on the recruitement form and chose "Coder" in domain.
Of course we don't forget our main activity which are the news. If you feel interested to work with our actual staff and want to be more involved into the community and Nadeo's games we are actually seeking for some
English &
French newsers for TrackMania and ShootMania.
If you're interested go on the recruitement form and chose "Newser" in domain.
Editor in chief
We are also looking for an editor in chief in ShootMania. The editor in chief is more or less free to act as he wants. As the name indicates the editor in chief will be in charge of the ShootMania section in Mania-Actu.
If you're interested go on the recruitement form and chose "Newser" in domain.
If you got some cool ideas and projects around ManiaPlanet and/or Mania-Actu but you don't feel concerned by our needs just above feel free to go on the recruitement form and chose "Other" in domain. We will check every ambitious projects seriously and will provide you an answer.