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Hey folks. We did many interviews during the Gamers Assembly 2k13, and we will publish one every day!
Yoyo's interview :
We kept the best for the end. And here it is! Yoyo just after the Grand Final.
oNio's interview :
We met oNio just after he won the Grand Final. Check out his feelings about all of this.
DvD and Spam interview :
For this interview, we met DvD and Spam from team Dignitas. They talk about themselves, the tournament and off course the new Stadium
Tween's interview (french subs) :
We met tween from Redbull Team for this new interview. Just check this out!
Zypher's interview
After Rapt yesterday, this will be a great Canyon driver for this new interview : Zypher!
Rapt interview (english subs) :
Fifth interview of the Gamers Assembly, and this is Rapt who answered to our questions. At that moment, he had finished his LAN, after an amazing Loosers Bracket final between Frostbeule, tween and DvD on Trackmania² : Stadium tournament.
oNio interview (french subs) :
Fourth interview of the week, and this is for oNio. We met him just before the Winner Bracket Final where he lost and went to the Loser Bracket!
frostBeule Interview (french subs):
Third intervew we made during this Gamers Assembly 2k13, and this is frostBeule that answered to all of our questions, just before his lost during the Looser Brackets Finals.
Tamarillo Interview :
Second interview today, and this will be a Trackmania² : Stadium one! Indeed we asked some questons to Tamarillo about all his thought about the tournament, but also the game itself and the new update. Enjoy!
Gaetan interview :
So for the first one, a really young player from the Trackmania² : Canyon E2G Team : Gaetan! This video has been made just before the semis Lower Bracket. For the ones who do not speak French, you can enable english subtitles.
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