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We received this communiqué before the Gamers Assembly. Unfortunatly, and due to a lot of work to do for this event, we were not able to publish this news before. So we received this communiqué that talks about a new great Trackmania² : Canyon line-up : Awsomniac! Made of crazy drivers, this Line-up has all the weapons to be one of the Top teams in this Maniaplanet Game. We just hope tha they will participate to Fun Online tournaments like what ET-Generation can do.
Official communiqué
Now that the Gamers Assembly is getting closer and that everyone has heard about the creation of our Line-up, we decided to bring you more informations so there will be no mistake in the future about us.
We decided about two months ago from now on which games we will create Teams, and Trackmania 2 was one of those games. After some days of conversation, we already had an idea of what the composition may looks like.
That's how we decided that we were gonna create a team based on Klovni & Laurens. Everybody knows them here, one for his magnificent result during ESWC 2012, and the other one for his result in United States' A&G 2012. We're very proud that they accepted to represent us.
To help them accomplish their task, and to accomplish their own, we also contacted whole KatrinaFR Team, and especially Zypher & Nerzull, which also accepted to represent the Blue & the White.
Considering we also recruited their teammates, we decided to create a second team, where are the other players coming from KatrinaFR (Eldrad, Nahoy, Answer, ...)
Finally, we have been contacted by Majo, the old Gamed!de, which also wanted to be a part of the project. We had a long discuss with him about his own objectives, and about ours. It appeared that our objectives were the same, and Majo joined us. He is the first German in the team, and also the last player to join us.
The actual team is formed of :
- Arthur “Shalvus” Magrez - Manager
- Kasperi “Klovni” Aaltonen
- Laurens “Laurens” Beerten
- Mickael “Zypher” Kempf
- Marc “Nerzull” Baslé
- Mario “Majo” Uden
We hope that with this project we can combine the experience of our players, our expertise and our possibilities to help the professionalisation of the Trackmania 2 scene in long-term, following the movement created by Teams like Mousesports and Event to Give. Waiting for that, we just look forward for the GA and the Cap Arena, which are our future moves.
If you want to follow the team, you can join us on Facebook : http://on.fb.me/16kROfY
Arthur “Shalvus” Magrez
eSport Director - Team Awsomniac
Communiqué allowed by the Association's Bureau.
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I was wondering if Awsomniac was planning to play the other Nadeo titles (future TM environments, SM...) in a multigaming way or such kind. At the moment it seems a pretty atypical team to me and i wondered as well if Awsomniac was a sponsor or something like that, it seems not.
And the first paragraph seems written by someone from ManiaActu after the communiqué was recieved, but it's not obvious since Shalvus appears as the author or the whole news...
To answer to rom42, we have actually no website, but it will come in time. We will soon create a new facebook for the multigaming, there is actually one for the TM² Team 1.
We will probably recruit a Shootmania team and also a League of Legends team. Stadium does not really give me pleasure as well, and I don't want to recruit a team an a game that is not interesting in my point of view.
If you have any questions, you can send it to me here or by mail : shalvus@gmail.com
Shalvus, i don't have that much questions. Usually top-level eSport teams start with a sponsor and here i found no information, which excited my curiosity. (Be aware i don't think it's bad, i actually prefer to see teams playing for passion than for money, although one can play for both).
So you truely think that Canyon is more interesting than Stadium in eSport ? I don't agree
I'm a Canyon player
But I also agree that Canyon lacks in a lot of things. 1st point ? The community is too short actually. 2nd point ? Nadeo does not involve itself to make the community grow like Riot Games or Blizzard did. Why do you think a game like League of Legends has became so huge compared to DotA ? Better design, ok. But it's mainly because Riot involved themselves into developing the eSport on it. eSport brings players, and so... money. They pay less that they win.
There are many other points, but I can't tell them here. I'll probably write an article here to tell my point of view about it.
Starcraft 2 is atm one of the biggest eSport game, and it's way harder to handle than Canyon or even Stadium or even TMU I think
"Stadium is too hard for most players", but is still existing and more active than Canyon after 7 years of life.
By the way, i don't think "eSport" should only be intended to an elite. Everybody can take part to the matches and the tournaments should be drove by passion and give fun to all the racers. The more people we'll bring to the tournaments because we are motivated, the more famous the game will become and the more people will be interested in the results of the grand finals. Cashprizes for the bests might be a recognition if the whole community succeeds, but they are to be seen as the cherry on the cake rather than the goal itself.
#11 And I totally agree with you, but the fact is that Stadium always want to be apart from Canyon, when Canyon players ask to be closer to Stadium, to make the community grows. The other big problem is that most newcomers don't really know about the game and don't do the difference between environments, and they'll pick the cheapest one -> Stadium, and if they dislike it, they will stop and won't ever try Canyon. Moreover, the community never made a move to help the Trackmania community grows like Riot did with League of Legends. Maniagala was a good idea, but why no Cashprize ? Why players had lags ? Why Drakonia and Mania-Actu and not Nadeo themselves ? ... ? So many stranges moves that makes the game has difficulties to grow. That's also the reason I want to involve a lot into the game, because I truly believe it can have a good future, and I think that with our projects, we can help to pursue this belief.
Talking about projects, new Zotac-like by Awsomniac incoming ? We're in a good way to make it happen. (:
Please, for your sake, do not waste any money on a Zotac-like tournament unless your goal is to funnel that money to your own team's players.
Your first comment just pissed me of, if you are here to destroy what others try to do, go away.