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Back in October, the ESL decided to close their TrackMania² section because of inactivity.
Now with the release of the Open Beta of TrackMania²:Stadium, they have decided to start a section for it again!
This new section will include cups, ladders and championships for TrackMania²:Stadium and TrackMania²:Canyon and in the future probably TrackMania²:Valley as well.
Opening Cup
To celebrate the opening of this section, the ESL will organise an Opening Cup this Friday. It will be played on TrackMania²:Stadium, in 1on1 format and Team mode.
The maximum amount of players who can join in is 32, so there are still places open for you to join in!
For more information about this Opening Cup, please check the corresponding news on ESL.
Section structure
The TrackMania² section on ESL consists of three so-called "navmodes".
- /trackmania2/ will be a portal which contains all interesting information from all the TrackMania² games on ESL and the forums for those games.
- /tm2/ will contain all cups and tournaments to be played on TrackMania²:Canyon.
- /tm2_stadium/ does the same for TrackMania²:Stadium.
1on1 NADEO Ladder
To give you the ability to play TrackMania²:Stadium on ESL already, the 1on1 NADEO Ladder has already been opened!
Currently there are 5 maps in this ladder you can chose from and when the time comes the number of maps will probably be extended and the maps might get changed.
To sum it up:
- Maps are NADEO A1, A4, A6, A9 and A14 for the moment
- The rules are similar to the TMNF ladders: rounds/team mode, 2 maps, more rounds win (draw is possible)
- You are required to enter your ManiaPlanet ID (TM2) into your gameaccount.
Admins wanted
Are you interested in helping the TrackMania² section on ESL? They are still looking for some good admins who can help out with the following stuff:
- Organize and setup the TrackMania²:Canyon and Stadium Europe Section
- Supporting and planning cups and tournaments
- Live support during cups
- Working on protests, supports and leaguejoings
- Contribute your own ideas and wishes
Everyone can become an admin, as long as you comply with the following expectations:
- Proficient language skills (English)
- Experience with TrackMania
- Certain knowledge of the rules in the ESL
- Neutrality and objectivity
- Sense of responsibility, reliability and flexibility
- Teamspirit and conflict management
- Calm conduct
- Activity in-game and on ESL
- A minimum age of 16
If you think that you're the (wo)man of the job, don't hesitate to fill in an application (in proper English of course).
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