This article was written by a member of the community !
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Team Exotik is hosting a Team tournament on the new game Trackmania Stadium 2. We welcome every team who want a fun, and competitive cup!
Match settings:
- Team mode
- 4 vs 4
- 2 rounds warm up
- 7 points to win the map
- Tech
- 30 to 40s
- Every 2 weeks, there is a mappack
75000 planets and more prize are to share with the teams!
You can contribute to the map with creating YOURS! We will judge and let you know a result on /100.
Registration will be open on 22.03.13
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#1 by
skinix on 2013-03-19 at 10:23

coppers or planet ? :D

#2 by
Railag on 2013-03-19 at 13:18

When exactly the cup starts? Most teams have TMM matches in the next 3 weeks i mean ^^

#3 by
Teckart on 2013-03-19 at 13:31

planets sorry, the cup will start around April 5. It will depends on how many teams have registered. The firts mappack will be maybe lauch on March 29 if we have enough team like i said!

#4 by
Wotre on 2013-03-20 at 13:50

Default day and time?

#5 by
Teckart on 2013-03-20 at 15:42

There is no default date and time, you need to agree on an date and a time with the other team. From Friday to Monday.

#6 by
Railag on 2013-03-20 at 15:52

Hmm that's why all cups need a default time - in case of two teams can't decide which time is suitable for both...

#7 by
Teckart on 2013-03-20 at 17:36

I will add a default time for you guys.

#8 by
Teckart on 2013-03-22 at 03:00

Registration Open!
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