This article was written by a member of the community !
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Hey all!
Finally, after 8 months of shooting, editing and compositing I have finished Dark Earth 2 - the final film in the trilogy (I think). It has been great fun to make and 8 months well spent :D
Now for the story: As usual I tried to to make all the FX more realistic, and the story more interesting. I also used a more variety of 3D models, including tanks, jets, and tankers. Mainly I would like to thank Rumplebube and the TM-Carpark for helping me with this. Also I created a couple of models featured in the video. I kinda failed at some of the VFX in some shots, so sorry ^^
Special Thanks:
- he helped me with camera shots and tested some of the video, so thanks!
Dennis Keller
- he encouraged me to continue with this project and he tested some clips - thanks :D
- He also encouraged me to work on this, and he is a friendly face on Skype :)
- Motivation and testing, thanks :)
So, finally I can relax for a bit, but I got other videos I would like to make. After the ManiaGala contest I will create another story video with Shootmania - but I wont be as long :D
So, If you have 30 minutes to spare, here we go. Hope you enjoy!
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