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The gathering, one of the greatest LAN party in Europe, is about to get launched the 27-31 March. And they just announced their tournaments on the official website. So, this great event in Norway will host on BYOC some Maniaplanet tournaments. There will be a 1v1 Joust and a TMNF one. These events do not belong to official ones, but have been created by players.
Indeed, The Gathering announced that players who were participating to the event could create some tournaments. So bergie did create the TMNF one and the Joust was made by Lions E-Sport Klubb.
We do not know about any cash prizes or number of slots for these non-official tournaments.
The tournaments :
Official :
- Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (2v2 Aim Map)
- Quake Live (1v1)
- League of Legends (5v5 ARAM and 3v3)
- DOTA 2 (5v5)
- StarCraft 2: Heart of the Swarm (2v2 and 4v4 Monobattle)
- Tetrinnet (1v1)
Non official
- Shootmania Joust (1v1)
- Trackmania Nations Forever
We can not wait to see if Bergie will choose to host his event on Trackmania² : Stadium, since the news wars released before the Opening of the beta. This would be the first great Live event on the new NADEO title!
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