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Here we are folks! After having waited for 3 long days, NADEO just announced what was their more than famous "secret" announcement.
So, as everyone already guessed, thanks to NADEO's little clues, Maniaplanet is going to be full available on Steam. By full, i mean that all the titles from the little French firma wil be there. You will be able to buy Canyon, Shootmaia : Storm and Trackmania² : Stadium!
The advantage is not that big for us, but it is for sure for the whole community. As many players use the Steam platform, it can be a pricelesse players magnet for the game. So we hope that there will be a great wave of players on all the Maniaplanet titles! If you already have the game, you have the possibility to enter your account o Steam, so as to use it to play.
Prepare for war, and just watch the new great trailers while you are downloading the games!
Trailers :
Trackmania² : Canyon
Stadium² !
And last but definitely not least, NADEO just let us know that the Open Beta of Stadium² has just been launched! We also know now that this game will no more be free, but will cost 9.99 Euros at its launch. Hylis just explained that they had no choice to do it since the old advertisments and freezones system did not work.
Hylis wrote:
"At the moment, the free access should be a station with time attack and a demo campaign. The paying version will have a full campaign, the official times, the custom modes, datas and other Maniaplanet services, including the planets and planets related services."
So we hope that the community will understand that, and give a little bit of money for their favorite game. We are just testing the game at that moment, and will give you more informations about our feeling on it, so stay tuned.
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I am quite curious of how many Stadium 2 licences they'll sell compared to the Canyon and Valley ones... I hope we'll get the information.
This information will be very interesting to know indeed, and by the looks of it, TrackMania² Stadium had a nice and explosive start already. Let's just hope that more players will discover and take part in the awesome TrackMania community :)