This article was written by a member of the community !
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Hello people of Maniaplanet!
The SiH Project :
"I have started a new project in Shootmania : Storm for the community, where everyone can submit replays. Do you have any fun replays or amazing trickshots or stuff like that you want to show? You can also include team shenanigans or other fails, just be creative! Just send me the replay and I will take care of the rest and include your nick in the video credits. The music is a surprise but have a "fun atmosphere" in it because Maniaplanet is all about fun, never forget that!
Are you up for it? "
Infos :
- deadline : March 1st
- Send replays here
We hope that the community will respond and show a great motivation for this project. Mania-Actu staff can not wait to see the final result!
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