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It's time to bring out the map editor of Trackmania² Canyon, Trackmania Nations Forever. We need a new packmap for TM², TMNF for the Masters 2013!
Trackmania² Canyon
Rules for the maps :
- Length : Between 50s and 1min10
- Style : Speed tech / Tech
- Mood : Day but Sunrise and Sunset are allowed
- Name : Masters 2013 - Name of the map (without colors)
- Hexadecimal is Tolerated if not bugued
- Include the Masters official signs in your map !
Send the maps at this address : trackmania@drakonia.eu before Friday, February 15 at 21.00.
Trackmania Nations Forever
Rules for the maps :
- Length : Between 50s and 1min10
- Style : Tech
- Mood : Day
- Name : Masters 2013 - Name of the map (without colors)
- Hexadecimal is Tolerated if not bugued
- Include the Masters official signs in your map !
Send the maps at this address : trackmania@drakonia.eu before Friday, February 15 at 21.00.
>> News Tools
J'ai quelques map en réserve :D
there is any limit in maps per person?
- The mapsearch for TMN and TM2 was announcend - but what's with TMU?
- Are you able to participate in any tournament you want when you paid the entry fee once or do you have to pay multiple times (like 45€ for TMU, 45€ for TM2 and so on)?
Thanks for clearing that up =) Let's hope for real quality maps!
btw; Include the Masters official signs in your map! Where are they?