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*Update* The registration has now begun. Take the chance to participate in probably the last major team tournament of TMNF before TM² Stadium is released.
Register your team here. Last day to sign up is February 24th.
TM Masters have announced a new season of the TM Masters Team Cup!
Last cup, GAMED.DE were the champions after having defeated
dac-SP in the grand final.
BX3 completed the podium, taking 3rd place.
The 2013 edition is scheduled to start March 10th. All information below:
Cup Information
A total of 80.000 coppers is in the prize-pot, divided as such:
- Stadium mode
- Mid size Tech and Speedtech ~35-50sec
- 3 maps every other week
- Maps are new, never played online
- Maps are released 1 week before 1st suggested match time
- February 3rd – Team Registration Opens
- February 3rd – Map Contribution Opens
- February 24th – Team Registration Closes
- February 24th – Map Contribution Closes
- March 3rd – First map pack relase
- March 10th – First round in group stage
Send In Your Maps
As mentioned in the schedule, you can start sending in your maps on February 3rd.
Here's the steps you need to follow if you want to send in your maps:
- Send maps to hotrod_swe[at]hotmail.com
- Deadline: February 24th. Maps are selected February 24th to March 3rd
- You can contribute max 3 maps
- Style: Tech and Speed Tech
- Length: ~ 35-50s
- Map signs: www.teamhot.se/xt (First sign pack – under download)
- Sponsor signs (on all maps): See the list of signs here with downloadable links
- Map name format: $i$333TMM$fff-Mapnamehere$333¬$fffTC12$333. (change 333 to your color code)
The TMM jury will then go through all the maps and decide which ones to use through voting.
There's a bunch of rules for the cup, read them all on this page.
Keep your eyes on TM Masters' website for when the registration begins on February 3rd!
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